Here you can find my submissions for
Illustration Friday
Illustration Friday is a weekly creative outlet/participatory art exhibit for illustrators and artists. This week's topic is:

[sat 1 jul 06]
It's a well known fact that when you accidentaly drop a slice of bread, it always falls sticky side down.. preferably on difficult to clean surface.
(I promise to do no cats next week!)
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Muffin [wed 5 jul 06, 16:58]
Funny. (:
Marion [wed 5 jul 06, 10:28]
Cute and funny.
FRANFOU [wed 5 jul 06, 05:12]
illustration of a classic joke !!! well done !
irisz [tue 4 jul 06, 09:55]
oh it's just so funny, i can't stop to laugh, very good idea.. i would like to know the result, but who will try this ever?
baggelboy [mon 3 jul 06, 19:18]
Its almost like a zen type ying and yang thing.
benconservato [sun 2 jul 06, 20:46]
HA!I had a little chuckle to myself here. Very clever. Poor kitty.
serline [sun 2 jul 06, 19:38]
At a glance, I thought it's a jack pot. Cute!
rosa murillo [sun 2 jul 06, 17:26]
it's clever! i loved the concept, and the drawing!
Zara [sun 2 jul 06, 11:50]
Haha, genius! Love it!
Jana Bouc [sun 2 jul 06, 09:59]
Really creative and original. I love the drawing and the concept!
Gingerpixels [sun 2 jul 06, 01:05]
It is a wonderful way to ultimately solve an age old problem. Great illustration and good thinking!
joe [sat 1 jul 06, 18:26]
ha ha very funny and well donebravo!
Maysun [sat 1 jul 06, 17:06]
What is the fate of a kitty with the buttered bread inside? :-)
k*m [sat 1 jul 06, 16:48]
i love this!
Lisa [sat 1 jul 06, 16:45]
Very interesting hypothesis :).